So John McCain won't debate? Why? As we learned with the Palin pick, this campaign has thrown haymakers before when they were on the ropes. It worked, at least as a short-term fix for sliding numbers after Obama's Invesco Field speech. So what's the reasoning here? Some have speculated that debate prep has gone so horrifically that they'd rather skip it than look bad. I disagree. The man can stand there for two hours and spout RNC platitudes with the best of them; he demonstrated that in St. Paul. Others have suggested that the real goal is to push this off into next week, postponing the Palin-Biden indefinitely. This is plausible, as clearly they have no desire for Palin to emerge from her hothouse, especially against a seasoned brawler like Biden.The real reason, I suspect, is more craven and ugly. This is a man in the Bush mold, fully beholden to the upper-level (elite?) investor class. These guys have mugged America for energy interests for decades, and even fought a war for corporate profiteering. This debate manuever is blackmail. PAY THE $700 BILLION OR I TAKE MY BALL AND GO HOME!!! Obama should laugh, make the point that walking and chewing gum simultaneously are executive requirements, and refuse to be blackmailed. On our behalf.
7 hours ago
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