Life is no brief candle to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got a hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it onto future generations. George Bernard Shaw

Thursday, September 25, 2008

"Serious People Trying to do Serious Work"

Chris Dodd nails it, just nails it at 1:35 of this Youtube clip. The House and Senate, both parties, together with the executive branch (Sec Paulson and Pres. Bush) spending days to stitch together a sucky compromise everybody will hate but many agree is needed. I disagree, I think the bailout sucks if it doesn't directly bill the wealthiest Americans who have profited from the years of plunder. However, government was functioning until John McCain apparently stuck his addled skull into the middle of it, trying vainly to score political points somewhere, like a drowning man casting about for any flotsam to cling to.

It seems Sen. McCain charged into negotiations that were nearly finished and proposed something way off-base, a moronic plan including more deregulation of financial markets (wha--?) and tax breaks for large corporations! Holy hell! Were McCain and Phil Gramm on an all-day drinking binge and wrote this thing on a cocktail napkin? This is one of the major problems with the conservative (nearly dead) movement...when in doubt, do more of what got you into trouble. Did John McCain's doctor prescribe lots of sun when his skin cancer was diagnosed? Wall Street, drunk on your dime for years, finally gets shut off at their favorite bar, and John McCain wants to buy them some drinks. Oh, no, wait...he wants US to buy them some drinks.

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